Chapter and Membership Advisory Council (CMAC)

Student Club Project Meeting Notes, June 26 

Jun 26,2024 02:44 PM

Thank you membership sub-committee for a great call. Here is a brief recap. 

MPI (Timothy) put together a survey to share with Regional Chairs/Councils to collect initial student club data. The survey is due by July 10 and we have 10 responses thus far. Thanks for doing that so quickly, Timothy!

Next steps and to-dos: 

  1. Work with MPI to get an accurate list of current students and faculty. @Timothy Gunn we will send an email to you regarding this. From that list we will each call on 1-2 faculty members with long MPI tenor to see if they have been involved with a student club or have any valuable feedback to share with us. The hope with some of this new data is to put together a student club value proposition based on needs and interest. Please be thinking about a few potential questions and we will collaborate on that at the next meeting. I am going to start a different thread so we can add those thoughts since a few of you have already shared. 
  2. Ideally we can divide up our project into a few different segments:
    • Work with global to create a MPI branded communication/survey to gauge student club interest among schools and students/faculty. 
    • Review PCMA's student membership website. Can MPI call on PCMA counterpart to ask how they engage student members and manage student initiatives? Or should we do that research internally? 
    • Review current bylaws regarding student clubs. Does student club have to live with a chapter or can a college/university create one on their own? What other changes need to be made? 
    • Create value proposition
    • Determine new SOP for creating a student club (online form, university sponsor, etc).

If you have an interest in leading the charge on any of these specific tasks, please let us know so we can start the ball rolling. 

Please check email for a doodle so we can get another meeting scheduled. If July is too busy we will communicate here instead. THANKS ALL! 

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