
MaryAnne Bobrow

Bobrow Associates, Inc.

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Bobrow Associates, Inc.



MaryAnne Bobrow, CAE, CMP, CMM has more than 20 years of experience in association and meetings management.  She is an active member of and volunteers for multiple industry associations, including ASAE, CalSAE, MPI, and AMCI.  She has served in multiple leadership roles including MPI Chapter Advisory Council Chair, MPI SSN President, MPI Independent and Small Business Advisory Board, MPI Anti-Human Trafficking Committee, ASAE Ethics Committee, and is the  former Chair of the EIC’s APEX Standards Council (now Industry Insights) to name a few.  She is an approved facilitator for the chapter leadership program, has authored chapters for CIC Manual, 9th Edition, IAEE’s Art of the Show, 3rd and 4th Editions, and PCMA’s Professional Meeting Management, 5th and 6th Editions, and writes articles for and/or records webinars for industry organizations and magazines, including Meetings Today.  She is a frequent presenter at industry events, with focus on business acumen and trends, risk management, financial proficiencies, attendee safety and security, human trafficking awareness, and disruption innovation for meetings and organizations.